
About me

I am a Te Whanganui a Tara Wellington based artist from Aotearoa New Zealand.

I have spent a lifetime seeking out creative inspiration and being drawn to artistic endeavours.  This led to me travelling overseas, working as a professional chef, completing a Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles Hons, working for a Textile company, and for New Zealand's National Museum, Te Papa.

Then at the end of 2019, I picked up my paint brushes at an oil painting class at Inverlochy Art School and never looked back!

Also, I’m an enthusiastic but erratic gardener.


My practice is characterised by moody abstract landscapes and sky, achieved through oil paint layering and light-giving glazes. I load my brush not only with paint but with my emotion, using colors to create an expressive painting that we can all relate to. Unsaid emotions put onto canvas.

Conveying layers of information through conscious and purposeful mark making and emotive color, I paint a piece as unique as a fingerprint - with its own story to tell.  I used layers of different marks on top of each other for depth. 

 Emotion, energy, and the natural world are held in tension in each work.


 I take inspiration from the view outside my window looking along the horizon to the sky. I marvel at the clouds, the colors and how no two days are ever alike. No wonder I am drawn to the works of Turner and Constable! 

Lately, I have been inspired by the mid-century American women painters of Abstract Expressionism in the 1950's.

I am still experimenting to ‘find my style’, which I think is an ongoing theme and changes over time! 

I hope my artwork chooses you, that something in it draws you to a particular piece to enjoy for a lifetime.

~ Fee

“Fee has an incredible talent for painting moods, feelings and imaginations and we love having her paintings in our home”

Davene and Matt (Whanganui)

Options for you

The Fee Thompson Studio/Gallery offers a wide range of options for art lovers.

Whether it’s an original oil painting, a giclee print, or an ink and gouache study it’s your choice. A small selection of works is provided below to whet your appetite, and currently available works can be seen in person in the Ngaio Studio/Gallery.